The Economic Strength Index (the “ESI”) is designed to reveal turning points in the economy and forecast recessions, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).
The Cyclical Strength Index (CSI) is a proprietary, data-driven, predictive market index, designed to offer historical-based insights into trending risk paradigms.
Stock returns are not random but rather can be predicted with a measurable degree of confidence over the long term. While it may be difficult to predict stock returns over short periods of time, such as days, weeks, or quarters, the relative market return over longer periods, such as 5-10 year secular market cycles, is fairly predictable.
The Economic Strength Index (the “ESI”) is designed to reveal turning points in the economy and forecast recessions, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).
The Cyclical Strength Index (CSI) is a proprietary, data-driven, predictive market index, designed to offer historical-based insights into trending risk paradigms.
Stock returns are not random but rather can be predicted with a measurable degree of confidence over the long term. While it may be difficult to predict stock returns over short periods of time, such as days, weeks, or quarters, the relative market return over longer periods, such as 5-10 year secular market cycles, is fairly predictable.